In the classroom Karen derives great joy watching children discover new things and challenging them to try, grow and explore. The whole classroom may look messy when kids are actively learning. Karen believes this whole body investigation invites collaborative, fun play and fosters a love for learning that lasts. Each individual child’s interests are acknowledged and honored, often guiding learning projects. Karen keeps safety concerns paramount and stresses the responsibility of classroom safety to both parents and children. Guiding parents in assisting in classroom activities, Karen ensures a valuable learning for adults and children alike.

After five years as a co-op parent, Karen stepped into her “perfect for her” career as a preschool teacher. Over the last fourteen years as a preschool teacher, she has come to believe strongly in the co-op model, where parents and caregivers learn alongside their children and in turn, empower the community.

Karen’s favorite color is sparkles! She lives in West Seattle with her family, ducks, chickens, and other assorted pets. In her free time, Karen likes going to the beach, roller skating, and camping.

Alki Co-op Preschool's Karen Vegors