- Monday-Thursday 11:30-2 pm, Age 4 by August 31st
- Teacher: Karen Vegors
- Parent Educator: Jen Giomi
Students in this class are preparing for kindergarten in so many ways. They continue to learn best through hands-on play, but new opportunities for pre-academics are added to preschool.
Alki Co-op Preschool’s class is a safe place for children to express their independence by exploring different opportunities. Alki’s pre-K class spends three days in the classroom and one day a week at a West Seattle park (rain or shine!) for outdoor school led by teacher Archer.
Our curriculum is aligned with WaKIDS Washington State Kindergarten Entrance Guidelines and supports: family connection, whole child assessment for individualized learning and supporting smooth transition into Kindergarten.
In the classroom, preschool teacher Karen will be leading your children through a wonderful, child centered play curriculum that includes:
- Literacy – writing center for dictating stories, opportunities for identifying and writing words
- Science – experiments that challenge predicting, comparing, and problem solving
- Math – calendar, math processes in stories and games
- Fine motor – expanded art projects, free creation with varied materials, opportunities to write
- Social studies – expanded curriculum themes
- Rich curriculum – the high adult to child ratio allows for more curriculum activities and options
Social and Emotional readiness still top the list of requirements of Kindergarten teachers:
- Extended Circle Times – kids practice listening and regulating their own bodies
- Facilitated Problem Solving – adults are ready to guide kids to their own solutions
- Empathy – Second Step curriculum to teach children to read social situations
- Self Regulation – learning to wait, follow teacher directed instruction, handle frustration
- Friendships – ways to engage friends in play, appropriate ways to say “no” All this and the kids just think they are playing!

Daily Routine:
- Large motor time – We play in our indoor climber room and on Thursdays we go to a West Seattle park for “Outdoor Preschool” led by teacher Archer.
- Opening Circle – teacher directed instruction around curriculum themes, outlining individual jobs for the day, weather and calendar.
- Choice time – Kids play, explore, experiment, pretend, and create. Kids are often negotiating play/projects in small groups, and working on skills of inclusion and respecting ideas of others. We do science experiments and explore the outdoors.
- Clean up – Kids are learning to respect and care for their school as well as for each other.
- Story Time – Kids are developing listening skills, practicing pre-academic tasks, predicting outcomes and discussing social themes, and much more.
- Snack – We share a healthy snack brought in by parents on a rotating schedule.
- Music/Movement – Singing, dancing, rhythm and tempo, learning to share space while using Large Muscles.
Parent Involvement:
- Parents assist in the classroom one day per week.
- Your child attends class without you the rest of the week.
- If you cannot come in due to illness, etc. You can ask another parent to cover or trade work days with you.
- We teach you ways to interact with the kids using our “positive discipline” philosophy.
- Parent’s rotate bringing in a healthy snack
Parents get to:
- Attend a monthly, evening parent meeting to discuss business and parenting topics.
- Help with the running of the preschool and fundraising.
- Choose a co-op job that fits your interests, skill, and time.
- Get to know other families in the neighborhood who are invested in our children’s education.