- Thursday and Friday 9-11am, Age two by August 31st
- Teacher: Kim Seater
- Parent Educator: Jena Inghram
Life with a 2 year old is like a Seattle day– sunny one moment and cloudy the next!
- They are excited to play and explore.
- Their imaginations are blossoming.
- They still need our help moving beyond “MINE!”
The Co-op curriculum is play-based. We believe that a child’s play is his work and that learning happens best when children use their bodies, their senses, their hearts, and their minds to discover their world.
Our class is a safe place for children to express their independence by exploring a room full of opportunities. As they grow more comfortable with language, we help them learn to communicate their needs.

Preschool teacher Kim Seater will be leading your children through a wonderful, child centered play curriculum that includes:
- Small class size for plenty of individualized attention
- Sensory play
- Cooperative dramatic play
- Gross motor development in our climbing room
- Hands-on art projects
- Social emotion skill building
Daily routine includes:
- Choice time to play, explore, pretend, and create
- Clean up time
- Circle Time Story (learning to sit and take part)
- Snack time
- Music and Movement (singing and using big muscles)
Parent Involvement
- Parents work one day each week
- Your child attends class without you on the 2nd day
- If you cannot come in due to illness, etc., you can ask another parent to cover for you or trade.
- We teach you ways to interact with the kids using our “positive discipline” philosophy
- Some two year students have a hard time separating–we follow your lead and help you both make this transition
- Parents rotate bringing a healthy snack for the children. Your snack day will be about once every one to two months
Parents get to:
- Attend a monthly, evening parent meeting to discuss business and parenting topics
- Help with the running of the preschool and fundraising
- Choose a co-op job that fits your interests, skill, and time
- Get to know other families that are investing in our children’s education